Why did I choose Kambo?
My first experience with Kambo was part of my spiritual journey. I wanted to see what I needed to do, I was not happy in my current job. Little did I know Kambo would bring me right back several times and then finally guide me to be a practitioner.
In May 2019, I decided to make a change to my life. I was working for the Health Department as a Program Assistant doing data entry, and traveling sixty miles a day to work (3 hours in a car every day). I wanted to take my life back.
I decided to go to health and life coaching school. I wanted to help people. It has always been my dream to be a motivational speaker, but I didn’t know how to start. I was introduced to healthy living and I knew that it was exactly where I needed to be. I began a plant-based diet at that time and from there I built my program with the help of Health Coach Institute.
In August of 2021, I completed the Tribal Detox Kambo Practitioner course in Creede, Colorado. The Tribal Detox Kambo Practitioner Program is the most comprehensive Kambo training program in the world. The training is centered around technique and the pragmatic application of Kambo, the science of Kambo as well as a huge emphasis on using Kambo in a safe manner.
The first day that I experienced Kambo, I felt “the weight of the world” lift from me. My burdens didn’t matter as much and I saw the world around me through new eyes. The trees and nature was so much more clear and present that I felt a part of the earth instead of “on” the earth. I knew then that I didn’t need a failing relationship, the material things, the things that took me away from experiencing life. I knew when I left my first kambo session that my life was in my hands. I could take control.
I was able to clearly see where I was supposed to be. You see when I started the session I asked for clarity. Operating within so-called “societal norms”, I didn’t see my true self. After kambo, I realized that I was a spiritual being having a human experience. Plant medicine has proven it’s power through my struggles. Anyone who knew me before my kambo experiences will certainly attest to Kambo being my unveiling of my true self.
I experienced amazing physical changes also. Within a few months, I released 55 pounds and rebuilt my muscular system. I work out but it’s not my main focus. I learned to change my lifestyle and it helped my body adjust to the normal rhythm. Kambo resets your hormones with your lunar pull. Everyone operates on a specific rhythm and when we upset that rhythm it changes our physiological body and the way our system operates. When we are on the right rhythm with our hormones our bodies reset. Depression and anxiety are releasing from my body as I realizes we become what we think about. Clearing my thinking. I could clearly see my authentic self – and the self I want to be.
Here’s my “before” and “after photos:
Kambo made such a huge difference in my life. It helped me see myself from the inside out. Attending class made me realize I was not as different as I thought. I just wasn’t in the right place until I became a practitioner. Seeing myself here now as a kambo practitioner – and knowing what is in store for me – is the most exciting part. I know this is my calling because I am happy, healthy and enjoying my life – I feel like I am finally living my purpose.